JLD Driver Training Ltd

In view of the worsening COVID-19 situation and after the Prime Ministers announcement last night, our main priority has to be the well-being of our customers and the JLD team! With this in mind, we have no other option but to postpone all of our courses until further notice.

We will of course be monitoring the situation daily and will be posting regular updates on our social media platforms and website.

As soon as the DVSA inform us that it is safe to once again carry out theory and practical tests as well as all classroom based training, we will be in contact with all of our customers to arrange new course dates.

If you wish to contact us throughout this period, this can be done via our email info@jldlgv.co.uk or by phone on 01295 250821.

We look forward to seeing you all in the not too distant future. Please stay safe and healthy throughout this difficult period and please remember, stay at home!

With the kindest regards,
The JLD Team!